

Over The Years

From its humble beginnings trying to raise some money for the Woodcote Village Hall (read more about how it all started), the Rally has donated a considerable amount of money to local organisations and charities. As you can see, the total amount raised and given to good local causes is something we are very proud of!

If you are interested in applying for a donation from the Woodcote Rally, please all the information below to find out how donations are decided, the timeline for donations, and also who to contact to apply for a donation.

Donated since 1964

How To Apply

How Do We Decide?

The Rally is administered by the Woodcote Charitable Association, a registered charity and company limited by guarantee. Like other companies, it has Directors (known as Trustees) and shareholders (the Members of the Association) and it is these people who decide where the profits from the Rally go, subject to compliance with the objectives of the Association as recorded in its Memorandum of Association:

The objects of the Charity are to promote any charitable purpose for the benefit of the community in the Parish of Woodcote and the immediate surrounds thereof and in particular the advancement of education the furtherance of health and the relief of poverty distress and sickness and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation or other leisure time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants.

So, the first test we apply is to ensure that the good causes we support directly benefit the inhabitants of Woodcote and its immediate surrounds.

If you look at the lists of donations made, you will see that some are notated as “Working Donations”. This indicates that the organisation receiving the donation has directly helped in the running of the Rally, perhaps by providing equipment, manpower or services. These organisations take precedence over others in the allocation of funds and are more likely, but not guaranteed, to receive a donation in a bad year, when there is not much money to give away. If your organisation would like to help at the Rally, then please see how you can support us.

What is the Timeline?

The Rally is held over the second full weekend of July. By the time we have sorted out the accounts and had our summer holidays, it’s September before the Trustees are able to decide how much money can be made available for donations. A full meeting of the Association members is held at the end of October at which the members decide which organisations should receive donations and how much each should receive. Organisations will be notified immediately after this meeting and invited to attend the Presentation evening at the end of November, to receive their cheques.

Useful Tips

We like to support projects that produce new facilities or provide new equipment – in other words, things that make a tangible difference. We are less likely to favour requests for support of running costs, subsistence, etc.

We make donations of amounts from £100 to several thousand pounds. Obviously, the greater the amount requested, the bigger the involvement of the Trustees.

We only support bona fide organisations. You must be a formally constituted organisation with a bank account. We do not donate to individuals.

We like to follow up on our larger donations, to see the outcomes and, hopefully, share in some publicity