General Exhibit Application


General Exhibitors

If you are interested in being a part of the Woodcote Rally please use the application form below. Your application will be sent to the relevant committee member depending on the exhibit class you selected and they will get back to you as soon as possible.

This online application is for applications in the following classes ONLY:

  • B Tractors
  • C Stationary Engines
  • D Commercial Vehicles
  • E Historic Cars over 40 Years Old
  • F Historic Motor Cycles over 40 Years Old
  • J Models and Other Interesting Static Exhibits
  • K Classic Cars over 25 Years Old
  • L Classic Motor Cycles over 25 Years Old
  • M Military Vehicles
  • P Custom Modified and Special Interest Cars
  • Q Custom Modified and Modern Classic Motor Cycles

We can only accept Class J entries with their own display tent/caravan awning, etc. No model marquee will be available.

General Exhibitor Form

Main Entry Form (Multi-step)

This entry form is for one vehicle or exhibit only

Contact Details

Vehicle/Exhibit Details & History

As space is very limited places will be by pass only. These will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Please only select "Yes" on one form if you are submitting multiple entries.
All entries – history and other details of entry are required for programme and commentary plus any additional information on trailers, sidecars and implements would also be appreciated.

Agreements & Signature

(This relates to your vehicle/exhibit and any other vehicles accompanying your attendance). I declare that, for the duration of this event, this vehicle and any other self-propelled vehicle attending the Woodcote Rally will be the subject of a Road Traffic Act Third Party Insurance Policy as a minimum; all other exhibits will be covered by a Public Liability Insurance Policy.
I agree to the conditions of entry to the Rally and will comply with the Woodcote Rally safety policy statement. I also consent to the details provided on this form being used to contact me about the rally and being stored securely by the woodcote charitable association in line with their policy.
Please sign here using your mouse or your finger (e.g. on your phone or tablet)